Queer As Films Session 7 - Victim

03 June 2009

Detective: Someone once called this law against homosexuality the blackmailer's charter.

Melville Farr: Is that how you feel about it?

Detective: I'm a policeman, sir. I don't have feelings.

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In 1961, closeted gay actor and British heartthrob Dirk Bogarde put his career at risk when he played a married lawyer being blackmailed for his homosexuality. Being the first English movie to use the word "homosexual" and shocked the public, this movie gave dignity to the lives of homosexual men living with the threat of blackmail.

Instead of killing his career, Victim gave Dirk a new career as a serious actor. It is also believed to have contributed to the large public sentiments that gave way to the decriminalisation of homosexual acts in UK in 1967.

A few human rights lawyers will join us to talk about blackmails, our legal rights and decriminalisation. Friendly neighbourhood film critic Benjamin McKay will also talk to us about the film and the LGBT movement in the UK.

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Date: Sun 7 June, 2008

Time: 3pm

Venue: The Annexe Gallery, 2nd Flr, Central Market Annexe, KL

Admission: FREE!

Enquiries: 03 4044 4611 (PT Foundation), 03 2070 1137 (The Annexe Gallery)

This is a private event - by invitation only - which will be checked against a register at the door.

Please email to register for this event: queerasfilms@ptfmalaysia.org

Include your name, age, and who you are bringing along, if any.

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